Saturday, July 6, 2013

Week 2, Saturday, July 6. Shiprock, New Mexico

We slept last night in the weight room at Rehoboth Christian School.   Only a few others found this spot to “set up camp” but there were people wondering through and a late-night phone call, etc., that contributed to a marginal night of sleep.  Tonight we’ve chosen to set up our tent on the host church’s small back lawn with about 20 other tents back to back and side to side.

The original plan was to stay at the local high school, but something fell through and we’re thankful that Bethel CRC is willing to let us stay here on a last-minute notice.  We’ve been asked to use the port-a-potties in the parking lot so as not to overload their septic system.  Sure, it’s inconvenient and not ideal, but we are their guests and we will do everything we can to serve them.  Earlier today, the young Native clerk at the Shell station said, "Be my guest," when I asked if I could get a cup of ice water at their beverage station.  He quickly corrected himself and said, "Your are my guest.  Help yourself." 

This morning started out with an unexpected announcement by Al De Kock, the tour director.  Half the riders had already left on the day’s route and many others were doing their final preparations.  Al’s voice came over the bullhorn, “May I have your attention please.”  Oh, oh.  This can’t be good.  This has never happened before.  As it turns out, yesterday afternoon’s rain had washed out a temporary culvert about half-way into our route, leaving a 15’ gap in the road.  We were told that we would not be able to portage our bikes, that the ride was canceled for the day, and we’d be staying in Rehoboth an extra day.

A hush fell over the crowd of people, spoons of oatmeal half raised, tire pressures half checked, and riders poised on their bikes ready to leave.  We were in shock and disbelief.  “But I already put butt cream on!” someone commented.  (Which, by the way, has not been needed by us recumbent riders.  If you don’t know what, or why you would need butt cream for biking long distances, use your imagination.)  Another person was immediately spouting off the names of area parks and attractions we could visit.  Within two minutes, in an equally unexpected announcement, Al’s voice reappeared on the bullhorn and informed us that he had just received word from the New Mexico state police that a by-pass would be available and we could do the ride as expected.  A loud cheer went up from the crowd.  By the time we got to the washout, the hole had been temporarily filled by earthmoving equipment.  It sounded like this make-shift fix was done specifically to allow us to ride, since the permanent culvert was scheduled for installation on Monday anyway.  Therefore, the route was closed to through traffic, and we enjoyed having very little traffic on the road all day. 


Our route today took us through the Navajo Reservation and the Navajo CRC churches hosted SAG stops along the way. 

I enjoyed seeing this Blue Bunny truck from one of our SAG stops.

Rudy and I met a Native American at the Shell station across from one of our stops.  He was in a wheel chair and after some small talk about a ride he had done on a hand-driven bike from San Francisco to St. Louis ten years ago, he asked about the purpose of our ride.  When we told him we were riding to raise money and awareness to fight poverty, his head dropped, and he said, “You can’t do it.  There’s always going to be poverty.”  My initial reaction was to agree with him, but to suggest that we can do whatever we can to alleviate it.  “The rich just get richer and the poor get poorer.”  Given my previous blog posts about our equipment, etc., I could totally understand where he was coming from. 

After a reflective pause, with a shaky voice he said, “Look what your people have done to us.”  He reached up to wipe a tear from the side of his eyes.  “What is Obama going to do for us?  What are you white people going to do for us?”  At that moment, I knew that my feeble explanations about anything would mean nothing.  So I listened.  When the time seemed right, I said, “I’m sorry.  I’m sorry for what has happened to your people.”  A tear tugged at my eyes as well.  Rudy reached his arm out to touch the man’s  shoulder or give him a bit of a hug and the man immediately wheeled his chair backwards out of reach.   Just as quickly he wheeled a bit closer and at that point, I excused myself to use the restroom.  When I returned, the conversation was more light-hearted.  He saw my camera laying on my seat and asked if we would like to take his picture.  I knelt down beside him and he put his arm around me for the picture. 

I am reminded that Jesus moved among the broken and the hurting people.  We “lost” over 20 minutes because of this conversation but it made no difference to me.  I don’t know the impact of that conversation, and I don’t want anyone to surmise grand things about it.  We gave the man a moment to express pent-up pain, acknowledged its bitter reality, and offered what little reconciliation we could.  I believe it is the Benedictines whose goal is to see Jesus in every person they meet.  I don't know if I saw Jesus in this man, but I know Christ was there in that moment and conversation.
About the ride itself—WE DID IT!  We completed a century ride today in fine form, as did everyone else!  No-one had to be SAGged in today even though we had a bit of a headwind all day, increasing as the day went on.  I felt particularly strong riding today.  At times I prayed the Jesus prayer—Jesus, have mercy—with the rhythm of my biking.  The scenery was beautiful, but very dry.  Dust devils spotted the landscape later in the ride and one even crossed the road shortly before we reached its crossing point.  The dust in my eyes hurt.  When we stopped at McDonald’s for an ice cream cone and a smoothie on our way into town, we were pleased to join several other riders who had also stopped there.  Camaraderie  is forming.
I want to get this posted now, so maybe I’ll add some pictures tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers and notes.  Have a blessed Sabbath.  We will be resting tomorrow and hitting the road again on Monday.



  1. What a great blog. Enjoyed your descriptions along the road and also your feelings.

  2. Hey Rudy and Shirley, I have enjoyed reading all your blogs and learning about your adventures. Sounds exciting and fun (except for the extreme heat early in the ride). We look forward to seeing you in Pella later on.

    You say that you are not sure if you saw Jesus in the man at the gas station but I KNOW that he saw Jesus in you two. Keep putting God on display as you ride. I know that God is displaying Himself yo you through His creation and through the people that you are encountering. I know He is teaching you all lots as well.

    Shalom and safety.

    Darryl De Ruiter


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