We drove home from Colorado Springs yesterday (Monday). I’ve driven this route many times, but
yesterday’s ride seemed the slowest of all. I sat in the second row of captain’s chairs in
our minivan with my splinted right leg sometimes resting on the armrest of the front
passenger seat, while at other times I sat sideways with the leg on the chair
beside me. Getting out of the van to use
public restrooms was a bit of a challenge as I’m still honing my crutch-walking
skills. At one restroom, a young lady
entered the facility just before me and chose the handicapped stall when the
other stall was available. I waited
because I knew I needed to use those support handles on the wall if I didn’t
want to risk falling. When she
opened the door and saw me and my crutches she said, “Oh, my gosh. I’m so sorry.” I said, “It’s okay,” knowing full well that I’ve
probably done the same thing in the past—unnecessarily claiming the big stall. At another restroom, a woman was
particularly helpful in opening and holding the door of the stall and the
outer door for me. This broken leg
gives me a new perspective on daily activities, attitudes and people.
While en route yesterday I called the Orange City Health
System to arrange an appointment for today.
It was good to be greeted by familiar faces and facilities. The most painful part of the visit was when
they removed the sticking (non-stick) Telfa pads from theroad-rash under
the ace bandage of the splint. They
re-did the x-rays of my ankle and leg and compared them with Saturday’s x-rays. The ankle still showed no breaks (yeah!) and
the break in my fibula seemed to be lined up better than on Saturday (yeah!
yeah!). My doctor was able to consult
with the orthopedic surgeon who was in town for a satellite clinic
today. In a nutshell, they said, no surgery, no cast, no weight-bearing. They’re keeping me in the splint and after three
weeks if there is no pain I can start using it and maybe
begin riding again! I am allowed to
unwrap the splint to check the road-rash and to flex my ankle a bit each day. I have a follow-up appointment next
Thursday. Thank you to Dr. Kamstra,
Joyce, and Kari Broadway for your attentiveness and care this morning!
Many times during the day yesterday and today, I find myself
thinking of what must be going on at the Sea to Sea camp, where they are biking,
etc. I pray that all is going well and that
there are no more ER visits! Being here
in Orange City and away from Sea to Sea is a bit surreal.
I actually had to decide what to eat for lunch today. I’ve grown used to packing the same food in
my bike bag each day and pulling out a few bites every hour or so. Even though I had the luxury of going to my
closet this morning, I easily chose to wear one of the three camp shirts I had
with me on Sea to Sea. This minimalistic
lifestyle of the tour has grown on me quite easily. I confess,
however, that I enjoy not having to walk 200 yards for the bathroom.
I hope to use the next few days prepping for my classes this
fall. I had planned on doing this on the
road (since I didn’t get it done before leaving on June 21), but I may as well
do it now! Rudy also has a few days to get
things ready for his substitute teacher before he returns to Sea to Sea this
weekend. I hope to join up a week later
after my follow-up doctor’s appointment, but we’ll take things a day at a time
and remain flexible.
Thanks for all your prayers and well-wishes! God is with us, no matter where we are, what
Kingdom-work we are doing, or how bright or dark the day. “Not a hair can fall from my head without the
will of my Father in heaven.”
~Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 1.
Blessings, my friends,
Hi Shirley, I've often thought of HC Q & A 1 when getting ready for Sea to Sea. Comforting. Glad to hear things are going well (considering).
ReplyDeleteWhat??????? Shirley, I had last read your blog on the "Its the end of Thursday and I want to let you know..." and hadn't been back on until this AM and read your next two entries. I am SO sorry to hear of your accident and injuries. I am glad they were not worse but sad that they were serious enough to take you out of the ride and back to OC. Grateful for no surgery nor cast and hope that it heals quickly and completely. What a bummer! I know and trust that God will use this to teach you and others whatever it is He wants/needs. And I hope that you can return to the ride in some capacity (i.e. volunteer) and still finish the ride somehow. I suppose this means we might not see you in Pella next week. :-( I actually will be in Michigan for a CSI meeting but Shelly was looking forward to seeing you. Blessings and healing. - Darryl