Friday, May 24, 2013

Sports Slime

I road to Hospers yesterday.  When I got there I visited the park’s restroom and then had my first go at a sports gel packet.  It was thick.  It seemed more like slime than gel; but I guess that wouldn’t market very well.  How’s this for an ad slogan:  “Try our new and improved Sports Slime!”  The flavoring reminded me of kid’s medicines.  The packet said to drink water with it.  I did.  That helped a little.  After two swallows I wasn’t sure if I would finish the packet.  It’s supposed to fuel my ride with the right ratio of carbs, protein, sodium and caffeine, so I finished it.  And besides, I paid for it, I better use it!  I was thankful for a granola bar which  further washed away the taste of the gel.  Somehow I got the gel on my hands and it created a seriously sticky mess that I didn't want on my bike handles.  I’m not sure if this is the answer to my “fuel” needs.

After leaving Hospers, I added a few extra miles to my intended route for the day.  I felt like I could ride forever with the wind at my back.  (Or was it the slime's effect?)  Unfortunately, it was in those extra miles where my little fall happened.  It was nothing serious—I was contemplating whether to turn around at the next intersection, reading my bike computer and calculating how far it would be if I kept going or if I turned around, and I drifted too close to the edge of the road.  I hit the thick layer of gravel recently spread beside the edge of the pavement.  I wasn’t going very fast to begin with and the gravel slowed me down before I tipped.  No harm was done to the bike.  There was a little scratch on my knee.   This was my first fall, other than that one time when I didn’t get unclipped in time and lost my balance when starting from a stand-still on an incline with my newly developing recumbent riding skills.  Oh, and I guess there was one other time when I was a kid and I fell going down the ditch while pretending to be blind while riding my bike.  (I saw a video with Ken Medema riding a bike, so I thought I would give it a try, too!)

Tonight, Rudy and I talked about items we have to buy before we leave on Sea to Sea in four weeks.  We need three sizes of batteries—D for the air pump and tiny fan for our tent, AA for the front lights on our bikes and AAA for the red lights on the back of our bikes and our headlamps.  We need spare bike tires—Should we get the puncture resistant ones?  Oh, and we need a spare chain for each bike.  Glasses.  I really should buy a pair of glasses but I hate to spend money on something I’ll wear only a few minutes at the beginning of each day.  I haven’t had a working pair of glasses for many, many years.  Putting my contacts in and taking them out has been my first and last daily routine for 36 years.  I can easily walk the five steps from my bed to the bathroom without them, but not the (50?  100?  200?) unfamiliar steps from our tent to the facilities in the pre-dawn light. 

I am spoiled to have a bathroom five steps from my bed.  For some people, even having a bed is a luxury.  Keep opening my eyes, Lord. 

We’re allowed to bring 60 pounds of gear, spare parts, clothing, etc.  I’ve started weighing things.  Did you know that a bath towel weighs about two pounds?  (More, I’m sure, if it doesn't get completely dry before packing it up in the morning.)   A camp chair, 4.4 pounds.  Our tent, sleeping bags, air mattresses and a few other things weighed in at 40 pounds.

We’re enjoying the preparations, but the time is counting down quickly.  Thanks for coming along!

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